
Showing posts from March, 2022

Logo Tag Brush

  Artist Statement:  The purpose of why I created this art piece is to show the audience who is Kyle Jung. The arrow in the artwork is to demonstrate that Kyle is a goal oriented person and the initials "KJ" is secretly hidden in the arrow similarly to how Fedex hides the arrow in their logo. The purpose of creating this aspect it to demonstrate that I do not like being the center of attention and prefer to focus on a goal in privately. What inspired me to creating this artwork is that life is more enjoyable when you have a set goal in mind whatever the case may be. I mention this aspect of goal orientation having a set plan of where you envision yourself being five to ten years down the road only makes the drive to getting up more exciting and rewarding when you reach a milestone.  The artwork is to demonstrate who I am as a person which is a goal oriented person that is driven. In addition, the artwork is designed to replicate the Korean flag symbolizing that I am Korea...

Propaganda Poster

  The message that I am trying to convince people is to focus on the current moment. The reason why I am emphasizing this message is because as people, I believe that we get too caught up with our lives in terms of what we could have done differently in the past or next steps of creating a future. Although these are essential aspects to think about, I do believe it is also to be present. What I mean by being present is by being present in the moment both physically and mentally. By focusing on being in the present moment, I believe this would help improve society's mental health as it will promote a happier society. I believe by remembering to "Live in the moment" I believe this will create a happier and meaningful life that is worth living. 


Artist Statement: The purpose of the logos shown above is to demonstrate the type of character that I am. The arrow represents my character by exemplifying that I am focused and a goal oriented person. The history of the arrow goes as far back to 61,000 years ago and has been used primarily as a military weapon throughout history. In contemporary designs, the logo of the arrow is typically used to demonstrate of speed. An example of this being demonstrated is with Subway to demonstrate that they can create sandwiches quickly in their stores.  The vision for my logo is to demonstrate my character and exemplify this concept of how I like to live similar to how Subway uses the arrow logo. To make the logo personalized to me, I implemented my initials on the logo that cannot be recognized at first glance. What inspired me to create the arrow is my history of playing lacrosse and knowing the origins of where it all started came from Native Americans. Which had me thinking about the weap...

Calligram Project

Dear Kyle,   I am writing to you 20 years from now about the image that I created in the class Digital Media. The poster that I wanted to remind you that I created in this class was the image of the Psycho Bunny logo. I wanted to remind you of the reason why I created this poster logo of the company Psycho Bunny. I created this image of Psycho Bunny because having this was a clothing brand that I remember vividly that brought me the most joy. When I visually see this logo, it brings me nostalgia for the most joyful Christmas that I will not forget because of how comfortable the clothes were. The poster image of the bunny with the bones under the bunny symbolizes the psycho side of the bunny hence the name “Psycho Bunny”. The name “Psycho Bunny” reminds me of all the laughter that my brother and I remembered because the name of the clothing brand was a name that we did not think would offer clothes that offered silky smooth clothing. The pink ears resemble the ears of the bunny and ...