Logo Tag Brush


Artist Statement: 

The purpose of why I created this art piece is to show the audience who is Kyle Jung. The arrow in the artwork is to demonstrate that Kyle is a goal oriented person and the initials "KJ" is secretly hidden in the arrow similarly to how Fedex hides the arrow in their logo. The purpose of creating this aspect it to demonstrate that I do not like being the center of attention and prefer to focus on a goal in privately. What inspired me to creating this artwork is that life is more enjoyable when you have a set goal in mind whatever the case may be. I mention this aspect of goal orientation having a set plan of where you envision yourself being five to ten years down the road only makes the drive to getting up more exciting and rewarding when you reach a milestone. 

The artwork is to demonstrate who I am as a person which is a goal oriented person that is driven. In addition, the artwork is designed to replicate the Korean flag symbolizing that I am Korean. The message that I am trying to communicate to the audience is to show who Kyle Jung is and to inspire others. What I would like to encourage the audience is to have a goal in mind and strive for it and if you do not have a goal in mind, do not be afraid to venture into new things. When exploring and trying new things you may explore goals that are worth working for because the more we know what we are working for, the more motivating it is to waking up out of bed. 


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