Photoshop Homework 2





1. I believe that the photo of Kirby with Kayne eating breakfast together would be a difficult image to photoshop. I think this would be a difficult photo to photoshop because of the amount of detailed involved in the image. I think that there are lot of small details that would be difficult to detail such as the background and the spilled milk. In a addition, capturing the small details of the cups and mugs would be difficult to enrapture because of the sizing. 
2. This image gave me the inspiration to travel to California. The inspiration that gave me to want to travel to California is the color of the lighting used in the background. In addition, the Average Rob looks so happy being out in the dry heat. Another reason why this picture inspires me to want to travel to California is because the background used in the image reminds me of the seen in Iron Man where Iron Man is eating the donut at Randy's Donut shop which is a location I've always wanted to visit. 
3. This two part image was an image that gave me a good laugh. I found this image to being hysterical because for two people that seem to love each other so much is an aspect that I would not expect the girl to dropping the guy. 
4. The image of the chocolate apple would be an illusion that I would like to recreate. I would like to recreate this because I find it fascinating about the amount of work put into creating this food art is more than what is shown on the surface. 


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